Angier Elementary School
2012-2013 School Site Council Meeting Dates*
When: 1st Wednesday of the Month
Location: Lounge/Library
Time: 4:00*
Wednesday, October 3
Wednesday, November 7
Wednesday, December 5
Wednesday, January 16
(Off-Schedule due to Winter Break)
Wednesday, February 6 (Moved to March 13th to accommodate the new budget timeline.)
Wednesday, March 6
Wednesday, April 10
(Off Schedule due to Spring Vacation April 1-5)
Wednesday, May 8
Wednesday, June 5
* Optional Parent Pre-Meeting from 3:30-4:00 before each Regular/Special SSC Meeting
This is time to build background information about categorical program implementation; also clarify and address questions or concerns about SSC process/procedures. It also is a time to review important action items prior to each business meeting. This helps to ensure a parallel information advantage between staff and parents/community partners.